Dr. Garry Dépestre
Dr. Garry Dépestre was born in a Christian family and became a preacher at the age of 7. His first home Church was the First Baptist Church of Port – au – Prince, Haïti. He attended the Bible School in Haiti. He served as a Sunday School Teacher for 2 years, a preacher for 5 years, and assisted the Senior Pastor at Eglise de Dieu Christ Sanctifié by leading the youth group. After Dr. Dépestre left Haiti in April 1980, he served as a preacher for 2 years at the Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York lead by the Reverend Nicolas Parent. Afterwards, he served as an actor, mentor, and preacher at the Nazarene Church under the Leadership of the late Pastor Rev. Boniface Pierre for 3 years. After being the preacher for more than 27 years, Dr. Garry Dépestre was officially ordained in 1983 at New York. Dr. Dépestre worked at May Institute, in Brockton, Randolph, and Avon Public Schools as an educator. He provided and continues to provide Pastoral counseling to families and individuals.
Dr. Dépestre has been married to his wife Solange Chrispin for 38 years. After 8 years of marriage, the Lord blessed them with a daughter. 2 years later, the couple was blessed with another daughter. Solange has worked as an assistant teacher at St Coletta School in Braintree, Massachusetts for about 5 years. She has been a Sunday School Teacher for more than 30 years. Both Dr. Depestre and his wife Solange have a passion for families and individuals. In 1986, Dr. Dépestre started a Prayer and Evangelisation Group meeting every Saturday night in Boston, Massachusetts. He would go house to house in hopes of spreading the good news. Though pursuing this work, Dr. Garry was reluctant to accept the true calling God had for him. After 14 years, he responded and accepted God’s plan to further his ministry. After Dr. Garry’s surgery, his brother Gérald Dépestre advised him to go worship in Dorchester. He said, “Garry, you are a Pastor. You can start a home church today.” Dr Dépestre obeyed and started the first service on Sunday, August 20, 2000. There were 14 active participants. The first 4 years consisted of services being held in the basement of his house. After an increase of active participants, Dr. Depestre rented the Adventist Church in Braintree, MA. He then rented the Methodist Church in Holbrook. God was faithful to him and the congregation. The Almighty had heard their voices and opened a door. In 2007, BEB Church purchased a house with 3 car garages. Within 3 years, the garages would join the New Church on March 28, 2010. Only to God be the Glory. Dr. Garry Dépestre attended Louisiana Baptist University and Theological Seminary and received a Doctor Degree of Theology, attended Cambridge College and received a Master Degree of Psychology, and attended Gordon – Conwell and Theological Seminary and received a Master Degree of Religious Education. Dr. Garry Dépestre is the Founder, the President, and the Senior Pastor of Beraca Evangelical Baptist Church. He has a passion for teaching and preaching the Word of God. He has preached throughout Haïti and the United States. He is a teacher, a Psychologist, an educator, a preacher, a servant, and a true man of God that loves the Lord.